This page shows how to find a public company's competitors using the Value Line database. These instructions demonstrate a search for the competitors of Pepsico, Inc.
Open the Value Line link below:
Value Line Dashboard
The Value Line site displays a set of links in a banner at the top of the page.
Click the link labeled "Browse Research."
Browse Research
This is a page with the heading "List Universe" and a search box.
Enter "PepsiCo" in the search box.
Hit the "Enter" key to search.
The search retrieves the company profile for PepsiCo., Inc.
Value Line's company profiles display the industries that with which individual companies are affiliated. PepsiCo's company profile indicates it is affiliated with the Beverage industry.
To find competitors in the Beverage industry, click "Browse Research" to return to the previous screen.
Industry Screens
Under "List Universe," locate the box labeled "Value Line Featured Lists."
In the box, click on the "Select screens" dropdown under "Industry Screens."
The drop-down menu will display a list of industries.
Scroll down the list and select "Beverage."
The results will list profiles of companies in the beverage industry.