This page will show you the steps to find a public or private company's competitors in the Mergent Online database. This example illustrates the search process for the private and public competitors of Rollins, Inc., a pest and termite control services company.
Open the Mergent Online link below:
After Mergent Online opens, select the tab at the top of the page marked "Advanced Search:"
Advanced Search #1: Rollins, Inc.
In the center of the the Advanced Search page, there is a group of checkboxes under the heading "Select Target Universe." At the bottom of the page there is a tabbed box containing checkboxes for more search filters.
Under Select Target Universe, check the box next to "USA Company Database (Active)" as well as the box next to "D&B Private Company Database."
Uncheck the boxes for "USA Company Database (Inactive)," "International Company Database (Active)," and "International Company Database (Inactive)."
In the box at the bottom of the page, select the "Corporate Information" tab (if not already displayed).
Check the add button (plus sign) next to "Company Name." "Company Name" will appear as a search filter beneath the box.
For this search, type "Rollins, Inc." in the search box and click "submit."
Advanced Search #2: Competitors of Rollins, Inc.
Click the "Back" button on the browser to return to the Advanced Search page.
The Advanced Search page still displays the information from the previous search. Click on the "X" icon on the left side of the row containing the previous search to delete this data.
Select the "Industry Codes" tab in the box at the bottom of the page.
Check the add button next to "Primary SIC." "Primary SIC" will appear as search filter beneath the box.
For this search, type "7342" into the search bar and click "submit."
In this search, the results bar to the right of the submit button displays 1041 matches. Select "View."
The results will show a list of companies with an SIC number of 7342.