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Contact A Librarian

You can reach us in many different ways:

By email at

In person at the Tahlequah or Broken Arrow campuses (See our Subject Area Librarians directory linked below).

NEW! The Tahlequah library has added a Research Help Desk at the South Entrance.

Research Librarians are available at the south desk in Tahlequah for in-person assistance:
Mon. – Fri. 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

By Phone:

  • Broken Arrow Library: 918-449-6459
  • Tahlequah Library: 918-444-3235
By appointment, online or in-person, using the Librarian Appointments Page link below.

Via online chat, by clicking on the speech bubble icon at the lower right side of the screen to chat with a librarian.

After Hours, the same icon will open a chat bot to answer questions.