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SOWK 3013 Interviewing Skills in General Practice (BA): Find Books

Call Number Ranges for Browsing the Shelves

Subclass HV     Social Pathology, Social and Public Welfare, Criminology

HV1-9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology
HV40-69 Social service. Social work. Charity organization and practice Including social case work, private and public relief, institutional care, rural social work, work relief 
HV85-525 By region or country
HV530 The church and charity
HV541 Women and charity
HV544 Charity fairs, bazaars, etc.
HV544.5 International social work
HV547 Self-help groups
HV551.2-639 Emergency management
HV553-639 Relief in case of disasters
HV560-583 Red Cross. Red Crescent
HV599-639 Special types of disasters
HV640-645 Refugee problems
HV650-670 Life saving
HV675-677 Accidents. Prevention of accidents
HV680-696 Free professional services, Including medical charities 
HV697-4959 Protection, assistance and relief
HV697-3024 Special classes
HV697-700.7 Families. Mothers. Widow's pensions
HV701-1420.5 Children
HV835-847 Foundlings
HV873-887 Destitute, neglected, and abandoned children. Street children
HV888-907 Children with disabilities
HV931-941 Fresh-air funds
HV959-1420.5 Orphanages. Orphans
HV1421-1441 Young adults. Youth. Teenagers
HV1442-1448 Women
HV1449 Gay men. Lesbians
HV1450-1494 Aged
HV1551-3024 People with disabilities Including blind, deaf, people with physical and mental disabilities 
HV3025-3174 Special classes. By occupation
HV3025-3163 Mariners
HV3165-3173 Shop women, clerks, etc.
HV3174 Other. By occupation
HV3176-3199 Special classes. By race or ethnic group
HV4005-4013 Immigrants
HV4023-4470.7 Poor in cities. Slums
HV4480-4630 Mendicancy. Vagabondism. Tramps. Homelessness 
HV4701-4890.9 Protection of animals. Animal rights. Animalwelfare
HV4905-4959 Animal experimentation. Anti-vivisection
HV4961-4995 Degeneration
HV5001-5720.5 Alcoholism. Intemperance. Temperance reform
HV5725-5770 Tobacco habit
HV5800-5840 Drug habits. Drug abuse
HV6001-7220.5 Criminology
HV6035-6197 Criminal anthropology Including criminal types, criminal psychology, prison psychology, causes of crime
HV6201-6249 Criminal classes
HV6250-6250.4 Victims of crimes. Victimology
HV6251-6773.55 Crimes and offenses
HV6774-7220.5 Crimes and criminal classes
HV7231-9960 Criminal justice administration
HV7428 Social work with delinquents and criminals
HV7431 Prevention of crime, methods, etc.
HV7435-7439 Gun control
HV7551-8280.7 Police. Detectives. Constabulary
HV7935-8025 Administration and organization
HV8031-8080 Police duty. Methods of protection
HV8035-8069 Special classes of crimes, offenses and criminals
HV8073-8079.35 Investigation of crimes. Examination and identification of prisoners
HV8079.2-8079.35 Police social work
HV8079.5-8079.55 Traffic control. Traffic accident investigation
HV8081-8099 Private detectives. Detective bureaus
HV8130-8280.7 By region or country
HV8290-8291 Private security services
HV8301-9920.7 Penology. Prisons. Corrections
HV9051-9230.7 The juvenile offender. Juvenile delinquency. Reform schools, etc.
HV9261-9430.7 Reformation and reclamation of adult prisoners
HV9441-9920.7 By region or country
HV9950-9960 By region or country

See also . . . 

HM – Sociology (General), 
HN – Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform, 

Where to Find Books

Print format books are available by searching the NSU online catalog (see the "NSU Libraries Home Page" link below).

Searches may be limited to just the Broken Arrow campus for convenience. Books available on the Tahlequah campus may be ordered for delivery to the Broken Arrow campus. It usually takes two to three days for materials to arrive via inter-campus mail.

Electronic books: EBSCO provides access to over 25,000 academic books to NSU students 24/7 (see the link below).

Materials unavailable at any NSU library may be obtained via Interlibrary Loan (ILL).  Interlibrary loan is a free service that allows NSU patrons to borrow materials from other libraries. 

Articles are delivered electronically and typically arrive within two days of placing the request. Allow approximately two weeks for books and other physical materials to be received.  Be aware that requests are usually filled quickly, but can sometimes take longer. Request ILL items early!  Check out the below link to access your interlibrary loan account.

Books on "Social Work" in Our Collection

Below are some targeted searches in the library's online catalog . . .

Here are the search results for books you will find in the Broken Arrow campus library . . . 

Here are the search results for books you will find in the John Vaughan Library on the Tahlequah campus . . . 

Reference Materials on the Broken Arrow Campus

Here are several reference sources available for use in the library (no check-outs).

New "Social Work" Books in the BA Library

Here are the new social work titles that have been added to the BA Collection recently.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Here are some Library of Congress Subject Headings that you can try searching in the library catalog (link to catalog is below).

  • Child welfare
  • Family social work
  • National Association of Social Workers
  • Psychiatric social work
  • Social service
  • Social service research
  • Social work administration
  • Social work education
  • Social work with African-Americans
  • Social work with alcoholics
  • Social work with bisexuals
  • Social work with children
  • Social work with criminals
  • Social work with drug addicts
  • Social work with gays
  • Social work with juvenile delinquents
  • Social work with lesbians
  • Social work with minorities
  • Social work with older people
  • Social work with people with disabilities
  • Social work with teenagers
  • Social work with women
  • Social work with youth
  • Social workers
  • Social workers crimes against prevention
  • Social workers history
  • Social workers in-service training
  • Social workers interviews
  • Social workers legal status, laws, etc.
  • Social workers malpractice
  • Social workers professional ethics
  • Social workers religious life
  • Social workers sexual behavior
  • Social workers, supervision of

Broken Arrow Librarian

Profile Photo
Tom Rink
NSU-BA Library
3100 East New Orleans Street
BALB 134
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
(918) 449-6457 (office)
(918) 449-6454 (fax)
Website Skype Contact: tom.rink