Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that obtains materials from other libraries in the United States NOT held by any of the NSU campus libraries. Materials are borrowed (books) or scanned (articles) from other libraries and checked out to you through our library. Loan procedures are regulated by the National Loan Code, by the United States copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) and by the regulations and policies of the Lending Library.
Document Delivery (DD) provides intra- and inter-campus delivery of materials (books, articles, other media) held at any of the three NSU library locations.
Interlibrary Loan | Document Delivery |
Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery services are available to ALL students, faculty, and staff of the NSU community at no charge. If you are not affiliated with the university, please check with your local public library for assistance.
Search the NSU Libraries Catalog and electronic databases to verify whether the item you need is held by NSU or available electronically. For interlibrary loan of items not held by NSU or for delivery of materials from another NSU campus, submit requests using your Interlibrary Loan account linked below or click the "Request via Interlibrary Loan" button in our catalog & select databases.
ILL requests may take as little as 2 days or up to 2-3 weeks depending on the type of item and availability. Document delivery materials are usually received within 3 working days, unless the item is out of the library. Inaccurate information, especially inaccurate citation information, may slow your request. Be sure to fill out all information requested on the form and that title, issue, and page information is accurate. Including periodical ISSN numbers is helpful. ILL request forms which are insufficiently filled out will not be processed. Be sure to put a date on the form that reflects the time past which you no longer need the requested materials. When submitting requests, please allow a minimum of 4 business days for article processing and 10 business days for physical loan processing. Submissions with "need before" dates shorter than these may be canceled due to the lack of time to process.
If you need your materials within 5 days or less, have the appropriate Resource Coordinator or any Reference Librarian approve your request. Please make a note in the "Notes" field on the request form indicating that this is a "Rush Request" and list the name of the Resource Coordinator who approved the "Rush." Make sure to indicate the "Not Wanted After" date in the appropriate box.
Arrival notification will be provided by the method selected in your Interlibrary Loan profile (email and/or text message).
ILL loan periods are determined by the lending institution. Renewals are also at the discretion of the lender though most libraries permit renewal of interlibrary loans. All renewals must be requested by email at least one week before the due date.
Document delivery materials check out according to NSU's circulation policies. Most items can be renewed if needed longer. Materials may be renewed by phone by calling 918-444-3235.
Individual libraries determine their lending policies and the following items may be unavailable or difficult to obtain: reference books, genealogy books, rare, fragile, or unique materials, audiovisual materials, entire issues of periodicals, dissertations, new and popular titles.
Due to copyright restrictions, we are unable to request duplicate article copies once a transaction has expired.
Yes! You can also utilize our Interlibrary Loan service to request casual materials. Your requests do not need to be academic and we are not here to "police" your request reasons. (Textbooks excluded).
Items more than one month overdue will be assessed the cost of the item. A $100 charge will be placed on your NSU bursar account until an invoice is received from the lending institution, at which point the charges will be adjusted (up or down) to reflect the actual cost. Replacement costs will be waived when overdue materials are returned. However, a processing fee of $25 per item will be assessed when items have exceeded one month overdue and will not be waived upon return.
If your ILL material has become lost or damaged, please let us know and we will contact the lender for replacement or repayment options.
The NSU Library does not borrow required textbooks for classes. Interlibrary Loan is not a textbook service and should not be relied upon to fill your textbook needs. Please refer to the NSU Bookstore or off-campus resources to obtain textbooks.
No charge! It's all free.
Undergraduate students are limited to 10 physical Interlibrary Loan items checked out at one time while Graduate, Faculty, and Staff are limited to 25 physical ILL items checked out at one time. All patron types may have an additional 5 requests "pending" in the ILL system. There is no limit to digital copy requests placed.
Articles and other copied materials, whether ILL or Document Delivery, do not need to be returned. Material will be delivered in electronic format. Items for which an electronic copy is unavailable, due to poor image quality, for example, will be delivered in print form. Loaned items (books and other media), whether ILL or DD, are items which must be checked out and returned.
NOTE: For special accommodations for distance learners, please contact us at 918-444-3278 or
Materials | Delivery Methods | Return Methods |
Articles | Electronic Delivery via Interlibrary Loan | N/A |
Books & Other Media (ILL or Doc Delivery) |