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FIN 3633 Investments: Articles & Databases

In Finance 3633, techniques developed in the Principles of Finance course are applied to investment decisions made in securities markets. Among the topics covered are: goal and strategy development, the impact of economic and industry factors, basic secur

Additional Education Databases

For additional education-related databases see the link below.

Journal Articles

Here are a sampling of journal and magazine article databases.

Click on the links below to access the database. NOTE: to access databases off-campus, please enter your NSU ID and password.

Below is the link to "all" EBSCOHost databases (select as many as you like to search simultaneously by checking the box next to each - then click continue).

Finding a Company's Competitors

Finding Company Ratios

Finding a Company's Sales by Major Business

Selected Databases

Instructor of Library Services

Profile Photo
Jannette DeMary
JVL 214B1
(918) 444-3263