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FIN 3633 Investments: Website Resources & Evaluation

In Finance 3633, techniques developed in the Principles of Finance course are applied to investment decisions made in securities markets. Among the topics covered are: goal and strategy development, the impact of economic and industry factors, basic secur

Evaluating Websites

It's important to remember that publishing on the web is very easy - almost anyone can do it! The problem with that is knowing what's credible (worth your time) and what's not.

Here are some of the thing you want to look at or for:

  • the URL (.gov, .mil, .us, .edu are usually pretty credible);
  • links to information about the author or sponsoring organization;
  • links to other sites that are credible;
  • how current it is

Ultimately the researcher must be the one to determine whether or not to use information found on a web site. The following information from Cornell University provides some excellent guidelines for evaluating sites (link is below).

Instructor of Library Services

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Jannette DeMary
JVL 214B1
(918) 444-3263