Library contact info:
John Vaughan Library (Tahlequah)
NSU Broken Arrow Library
Students will be required to research and present a senior project dealing with a homeland security issue(s).
All presentations will take place in the NSU-BA Library Conference Room
(BALB 105).
Below is a link to the CHDC self-study module on Research in Homeland Security. (Please have this module completed before the first class session.)
Course Outcomes
It is expected that the student will --
Instructional Procedures
Instruction procedures for this course utilize a combination of discussion, lecture, multi-media presentations, group participation and the possibility of guest speakers.
Course Materials
There is no text required for this class. it is recommended that you have a recent copy of a dictionary, a thesaurus, and access to an APA style writing manual. Additional required materials will be posted throughout the semester on the course Blackboard page.
The following table shows the activity types contained within this course and the assigned weighting to determine the final course grade.
Activity Type (points)
In-class writing exercises (2 @ 25 points each)
In-class speaking exercises (2 @ 25 points each)
Multimedia speaking exercise (50 points)
Research topic paper (25 points)
Paper outline (75 points)
Draft paper (100 points)
Final Paper (200 points)
Presentation (200 points)
Capstone exam (75 questions @ 2 points each question)
Total points: 900
Letter grades for the course will be based on the following grading scale:
Letter Grade = 90-100% = 4.0 grade point
Letter Grade = 80-89% = 3.0 grade point
Letter Grade = 70-79% = 2.0 grade point
Letter Grade = 60-69% = 1.0 grade point
Submission Policy
Built into this course is class time set aside for research and writing. There are also strict deadlines for submission of papers. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Course Participation and Attendance
You are expected to participate in discussions and ask questions. You are also expected to participate in writing and public speaking class exercises.
Attendance will not be taken. if you miss an exercise, you will received zero points. There is no mechanism for making up those points. I am aware that absences sometimes are necessary and beyond an individual's control. If you know in advance you are going to be absent, or if an emergency arises, please call my office phone and leave a message or send me an e-mail. Again, there is no opportunity to make up missed exercises. Also it would be to your benefit to exchange phone numbers or e-mail with someone in class in order to keep current in the event you are unable to attend.
Class Cancellations
The following are basic premises for the inclement weather policy at Northeastern:
>Classes are expected to be held if at all possible.
It is the student's and faculty's responsibility to receive the information when weather is questionable.
Neither students nor faculty are expected to risk life or limb.
Faculty is encouraged to be flexible regarding absences related to severe weather.
Faculty members are obligated to hold classes if the university is not closed, unless the faculty members is unable to get to the campus.
Policy statements:
During times of inclement weather, decisions concerning day classes will be made by 5:00 AM in order for the media to be notified and for the students to receive the announcement before they leave home. Decisions concerning evening/night classes will be made by 1:00 PM if at all possible or feasible.
The following media will be notified regarding closing of the campus:
Radio Stations
KRMG (740 AM) Tulsa
KTLQ (1350 AM) Tahlequah
KEOK (102 FM) Tahlequah
KMMY-Y97 (97 FM) Muskogee
KVOO (1170 AM) Tulsa
KBEZ (92.9 FM) Tulsa
KMYZ (104.5 FM) Tulsa
KHTS (96.9 FM) Tulsa
Television Stations
KJRH (Channel 2) Tulsa
KOTV (Channel 6) Tulsa
KTUL (Channel 8) Tulsa
Students are also encouraged to check the NSU telephone messaging service, NSU website, and NSU email for updated information.
Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct includes cheating (using unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise), plagiarism, falsification of records, unauthorized possession of examinations, intimidation, and any or all other actions that may improperly affect the evaluation of a student's academic performance or achievement, or assisting others in any such act or attempts to engage in such acts. Academic misconduct in any form is inimical to the purposes and functions of the University and therefore is unacceptable and prohibited. Any faculty member, administrator or staff member may identify an act of academic misconduct and should report that act to the department head/college dean, Vice President for Academic Affairs or administrative supervisor.
Students violating the standards of academic honesty are subject to disciplinary action including reduction of a grade(s) in a specific course, assignment, paper, or project; a formal or informal reprimand at the professorial, dean, or academic vice president level; expulsion from the class in which the violation occurred; expulsion from a program; or expulsion from the university.
ADA Compliance
If any member of the class feels that he/she has a disability and needs special accommodation of any nature whatsoever, the instructor will work with you and the University's Office of Student Affairs to provide reasonable accommodation to ensure that you have a fair opportunity to perform in this class. Please advise the instructor of such disability and the desired accommodation at the first class attended.
Teach Act
In accordance with the TEACH Act of 2002, you are advised that instructional materials included in this course may be subject ot copyright protection. As such, you must not share, duplicate, transmit, or store the materials of this course beyond the purpose and time frame explicitly stated in the syllabus of your course. If you are not certain whether a particular piece of material is covered by copyright protection, you should contact your instructor and obtain her/his written clarification. Failing to observe copyright protection is a violation of law and the student code of conduct.
Release of Confidential Information
University policies regarding family educational and privacy rights are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Copies of the act, policies, and regulations are maintained in the Office of Admissions and Records, NSU Libraries, and the Office of the Provost/Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Requests for release of student data to outside sources, other students, or other employees who do not have access to such information must have written approval from the Registrar.
Class Schedule*
Jan 12 Housekeeping issues/ Syllabus review
In-class writing assignment
Public-speaking assignment
Jan 19 Research topic due
In-class writing assignment
Writing Center
Jan 26 Thesis statement or abstract due
Class does not meet
Feb 2 Paper outline due
Public-speaking assignment
Feb 9 Class does not meet
Feb 16 Draft paper due -- no late papers will be accepted
Class will not meet tonight
Feb 23 Draft papers returned
Public speaking with multimedia component
Mar 1 Class does not meet
Mar 8 Class does not meet
Mar 15 Papers due - no late papers will be accepted
Class will not meet tonight
Mar 22 Spring Break
Mar 29 Presentations
Apr 5 Presentations
Apr 12 Homeland Security recap
Apr 19 Homeland Security recap
Apr 26 Homeland Security recap
May 3 Capstone exam
(*schedule subject to change)
CR J 4693: Homeland Security Senior Seminar
Presentation location: NSU-Broken Arrow Library, Conference Room (BALB 105
Below is the link to the Oral Presentation Assessment Matrix.
Or, sometimes called a Survey of the Scholarship.
A literature review is a text written by someone to consider the critical points of current knowledge including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources, and as such, do not report any new or original experimental work. Also, a literature review can be interpreted as a review of an abstract accomplishment.
Most often associated with academic-oriented literature, such as a thesis or peer-reviewed article, a literature review usually precedes a research proposal and results section. Its main goals are to situate the current study within the body of literature and to provide context for the particular reader. Literature reviews are a staple for research in nearly every academic field.