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CHEM 3123 Organic Chemistry (BA): Help/Assignment

Literature Assignment -- Organic Chemistry

CHEM-3132: Organic Chemistry I Laboratory
Literature Assignment
Value: 50 points

Introduction:  during the organic laboratory sequence, you will complete a series of assignments that will introduce you to the scientific literature.  Whether your major is chemistry, biology, or pre-professional health, reading, understanding, and using scientific literature are necessary skills.  These assignments are designed to help you to develop the skills necessary to evaluate, read, and interpret scientific literature.  This assignment will help you become more familiar with the types and qualities of scientific literature.

Assignment:  from the list below, you will investigate a popular pharmaceutical or well-known compound by finding five (5) published sources.  You will find the chemical structure, IUPAC chemical name, identify the functional groups present, and summarize the use or abuse, biological effects, biological origins, synthesis, preparation and /or isolation of this compound.  The sources will be one of each of the following types: popular literature, desk reference*, "reputable" website, a peer-reviewed research article, and a review article.  For each source you will compose an annotated bibliography using the ACS citation format.  The bibliography will be composed of the citation, a 2-3 sentence summary of the information, and a 2-3 sentence evaluation of the quality of the source.  For the summary, briefly describe the information that was found in the source and for the evaluation, comment directly on the usefulness and quality of the information provided and the reputation of the source.  Your bibliography will be single-sided, type-written with proper use of spelling, grammar, and structures.  Attach the first page only for each source; photocopies are acceptable.

*Desk reference refers to non-periodic reference materials including encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, indexes, and monographs.

Chemical Structure:
Draw the structure of your molecule.

IUPAC name:
Provide the IUPAC name for your molecule.

Functional Groups present:
Identify functional groups present.

Summarize the use or abuse, biological effects, biological origins, synthesis, preparation and/or isolation of this compound.


1)  Popular literature citation using ACS citation format

Briefly describe (2-3 sentences) the information that was found in the source and comment directly (2-3 sentences) on the usefulness and quality of the information provided and the reputation of the source.

2)  Desk Reference citation using ACS citation format
Briefly describe (2-3 sentences) the information that was found in the source and comment directly (2-3 sentences) on the usefulness and quality of the information provided and the reputation of the source.

3)  "Reputable" website citation using ACS citation format
Briefly describe (2-3 sentences) the information that was found in the source and comment directly (2-3 sentences) on the usefulness and quality of the information provided and the reputation of the source.

4)  Peer-reviewed research article using ACS citation format
Briefly describe (2-3 sentences) the information that was found in the source and comment directly (2-3 sentences) on the usefulness and quality of the information provided and the reputation of the source.

5)  Review article citation using ACS citation format
Briefly describe (2-3 sentences) the information that was found in the source and comment directly (2-3 sentences) on the usefulness and quality of the information provided and the reputation of the source.

What is a Literature Review

Or, sometimes called a Survey of the Scholarship.

A literature review is a text written by someone to consider the critical points of current knowledge including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources, and as such, do not report any new or original experimental work. Also, a literature review can be interpreted as a review of an abstract accomplishment.

Most often associated with academic-oriented literature, such as a thesis or peer-reviewed article, a literature review usually precedes a research proposal and results section. Its main goals are to situate the current study within the body of literature and to provide context for the particular reader. Literature reviews are a staple for research in nearly every academic field.

Chemistry Desk References in the BA Library

Desk Reference (Call Number)
Merck Index (Ref. RS356 .M524 2013)

Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (Ref. R121 .T18 2017)

Mosby's Medical Dictionary (Ref. R121 .M89 2017)

Dorland's Medical Dictionary (Ref.  R121 .D73  2012)

Stedman's Medical Dictionary (Ref. R121 .S8 2000)

Physicians' Desk Reference/PDR (Ref. RS75 .P5  2017)

Physicians' Desk Reference - Over the Counter (Ref. RM671.A1 P48)

American Hospital Formulary Service, Drug Information (Ref.  RS125 .A56  2002)

Hazardous Chemicals Desk Reference (Ref. T55.3.H3 L49 2002)

Drug Identification Bible (Ref. RS190.D77 D78  2014/2015)

Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary (Ref. QD5 .C5 2016)

Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs (Ref. RM301.12 .P74 1999)

Library - Pictorial Tour: Desk References

Broken Arrow Librarian

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Tom Rink
NSU-BA Library
3100 East New Orleans Street
BALB 134
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
(918) 449-6457 (office)
(918) 449-6454 (fax)
Website Skype Contact: tom.rink