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Searching for Company Ratios

Mergent Online

This page will show you the steps for searching for company ratios in the Mergent Online database.

Open the Mergent Online link below:

After Mergent Online opens, enter the company name (i.e., "Rollins" in this example) in the Company Search box and click "Go."

Mergent search w/ "Rollins" in "Company Seach" box

In the Search Results, click "Rollins, Inc." in the "Companies Found" table.  

Companies Found list with Rollins, Inc. circled

The Rollins, Inc. Business Summary page will appear.

On the Business Summary page, click on the Company Financials tab.

Company Profile with "Company financials" circled

​​​In the Company Financials tab, click "ratios."

Company Financials with "Ratios" circled

A new page appears that shows Rollins, Inc.'s ratios.

Rollins, Inc. Ratios page