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Searching for Company Ratios

D&B Hoovers

This page will show you the steps for searching for company ratios in the D&B Hoovers database.

Open the D&B Hoovers link below:

D&B Hoovers Homepage Search

  • Enter "Rollins" 

  • Select "Rollins, Inc." from the results dropdown. 

D&B Hoovers search for Rollins

Rollins, Inc. D&B Hoovers Report

Selecting Rollins, Inc. will open the company's D&B Hoovers report.

The left side of the screen features a scrolling menu of the different sections of the report.

Rollins, Inc. report with left-hand menu circled

  • Scroll down the menu to the "Financials" section.
  • Select "Annual Ratios."

Left-hand menu with Financials and Annual Ratios circled

This retrieves the Annual Ratios page, which displays the company ratios for Rollins, Inc.

Rollins, Inc. Annual Ratios