This page will show you the steps for searching for industry ratios in NetAdvantage with keyword searching.
Open the NetAdvantage Link below:
The NetAdvantage homepage appears. In the toolbar near the top of the screen, click "Research."
The Investment Research page appears. Click the tab for "Quick Search" (if not already selected).
The "Search Criteria" box is at the top of the page.
In the "Keyword" box, type your chosen keyword(s) (i.e., "fire" in this example).
TIP: Using fewer keywords will broaden your search.
In the "Report Type" drop-down box, select "Industry Overview."
Click "Search."
The Results List appears. To organize the list, click on the blue hyperlink for "Headline." This will sort industry names in alphabetical order.
Scroll through the list to read the industry names and find the best match. Click on the blue hyperlink in the row for the most recent year available.
In this search, the best match is "Property & Casualty Insurance."
The industry's NetAdvantage report appears in a new window.
Scroll down the window to read the report. The "Download" hyperlink at the top of the window will download a copy of the report in PDF format.
NetAdvantage Industry Reports will contain both prose and data tables. Use the CTRL+F feature in the document viewer to search for "ratio" and locate the relevant information.
In this example, graphs and commentary are found on p. 7. There is also a statement about the combined ratio on p. 15.
These reports also contain charts listing the ratios of specific companies, which you can use to calculate the industry ratio.