This page will show you the steps for searching for industry ratios in D&B Hoovers with NAICS codes.
Open the North American Industry Classification System [NAICS] link below:
Enter your search keyword(s) in the "2022 NAICS Search" box.
This search uses the keyword "Insurance."
The list of Search Results appears. Scroll throught the list and read the names of the codes to find the best match.
In this search, "524126: Fire insurance carriers, direct" is the best match.
Open the D&B Hoovers link below:
The D&B Hoovers homepage appears. Under "Research Industries" box, click "Get Started."
The search form is preset to search the D&B Hoovers Industries codes. Click "change" and select "NAICS 2022" to search by NAICS codes.
Type the code you retrieved from the NAICS search (i.e., 524126 in this example) in the search box. Click the full code name that appears below the search box to add it to the search list.
Click "View results."
The Results List appears. Click on the blue hyperlink to retrieve the full industry report.
The industry's D&B Hoovers report appears.
The left side of the screen features a menu with the different sections of the report.
Select "RMA Industry Norms."
Click "PDF" to retrieve the information in a new window.