The following websites provide information about preservation, conservation, and collection care.
The following search terms can be used to locate items related to public history, historic preservation, historic sites and museums, etc.
Public History
Public History - United States - History
Historic Preservation
Historic Preservation - United States - History
Historic Sites - Conservation and Restoration
Historical Museums
Historical Museums - United States - History
Nature Conservation
National Parks and Reserves - United States - History
Historic Preservation
Preservation of materials
family archives
digital preservation
museum labels - handbooks -manuals
museum techniques
Example item: This book was located using the NSU Libraries' Discovery system and the "Everything" tab and subject search option. Search terms used: museum labels handbooks manuals
NOTE: If the item is not owned by NSU Libraries, it would be an Interlibrary Loan item.
The following websites offer information about Oklahoma History and Native Americans.