Be aware when using any cite feature or citation feature in a database or online source to double check it for accuracy. It is important to have a working knowledge of the citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago) in order to recognize glitches or mistakes that may occur when copying and pasting information or exporting information into a citation manager.
Rule number one: As the author of your work, article, presentation, or research assignment, it is your responsibility to ensure all citations on the Reference or Works Cited page are correct. This also applies to your in text citations.
Rule number two: Check or review your work, references, quotes, paraphrasing, summarizing, citations, and format to make certain it is following the citation style requirements assigned by the professor or instructor.
Below are links to online information for writing mechanics and more from the Purdue OWL website.
The following two links offer academic writing information and online writing assistance.
Do you need help with citations or formatting?
The NSU Writing Center for the Tahlequah campus is located on the second floor of the John Vaughan Library, room #222. They can make an appointment for your tutoring session and walk-ins are also welcome. The phone number is (918) 444-3622. For further information and hours, visit the Writing Center's website(link below)
The Citation Station is a resource area on the 1st floor of the John Vaughan Library, near the atrium with a variety of handbooks and manuals. A writing center tutor is in the Library and available for individual assistance during specific hours when the Writing Center is closed. This assistance is free and an appointment is not necessary.