Below are examples of search terms, using the "Subject" search option:
English Poetry 18th century History and Criticism
English Poetry 19th century History and Criticism
English Poetry Women Authors History and Criticism
English Poetry Explication
Keats, John 1795-1821 Criticism and Interpretation
To search for criticism about poets or authors, use the "Keyword" search option and combine terms.
Example search:
Blake AND innocence
Collections of poems can be located using the Library Discovery system. Below are some example titles.
The following titles are located at the John Vaughan Library. Some are in the Reference Collection, and others are in the Main Collection.
The Cambridge Companion to Wordsworth (PR5888 .C27 2003)
Blake's Poetry and Designs: Authoritative Texts, Illuminations in Color and Monochrome, Related Prose, Criticism (PR4141.5 J64 1979 - Broken Arrow campus library)
The Complete Poetical Works of William Wordsworth (PR5850 .F04)
The Best Poems of the English Language: From Chaucer through Frost (PR1175 .B4566 2004)
Robert Browning's Poetry: Authoritative Texts, Criticism (PR4202 .L59 1979)
The Complete Poems of Thomas Hardy (PR4741 .G5 1982)