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ENGL 3653 English Literature II (BA): Help/Assignment

What is a Literature Review

Or, sometimes called a Survey of the Scholarship.

A literature review is a text written by someone to consider the critical points of current knowledge including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources, and as such, do not report any new or original experimental work. Also, a literature review can be interpreted as a review of an abstract accomplishment.

Most often associated with academic-oriented literature, such as a thesis or peer-reviewed article, a literature review usually precedes a research proposal and results section. Its main goals are to situate the current study within the body of literature and to provide context for the particular reader. Literature reviews are a staple for research in nearly every academic field.

Reference Materials in the Gale Series

Reference Materials in the Gale Series (compiled from the acronym list in the Contemporary Authors cumulative index)


CA, Contemporary Authors, Ref. PN 451 .C58, v. 1 - v. 262 (TQ), v. 1-v. 206 (BA)
CAR, Contemporary Authors First Revision, Ref. PN451 .C58 1st Rev., v. 1-v. 41/44 (TQ), v.1-v41/44 (BA)
CANR, Contemporary Authors New Revision Series, Ref. PN451 .C59, v.1-v.171 (TQ), v. 1-v.251 (BA)
CAP, Contemporary Authors Permanent Series, Ref. PN451 .C582, v.1-v.2 (TQ)
AAYA, Authors and Artists for Young Adults, Ref. PS490 .A98, v.1-v.72 (BA)
BLC, Black Literary Criticism, Ref. PS153 .N5 B556 1992, v.1-v.3 (TQ)
BRW, British Writers, Ref. PR85 .B688, v.1-v.3. (TQ)
BYA, Beacham’s Guide to Literature for Young Adults, Ref. Z1037 .A1 B38 1990, v.1-v.8 (TQ)
CD, Contemporary Dramatists, Ref. PR106.V5, v.3 (TQ), Ref. PR737 .C57 1988, 4th ed (TQ)
CLC, Contemporary Literary Criticism, Ref. PN771 .C59, v.1-v.252 (TQ), v.1-v.200 (BA)
CLR, Children’s Literature Review, Ref. PN1009 .A1 C5139, v.1-v.133 (TQ)
CN, Contemporary Novelists, Ref. PR737 .V5, Ref. PR883 .C64 1986, Ref. PR883 .C64 1991, 5th ed. (TQ)
CP, Contemporary Poets, Ref. PR603 .C63 1975 (3rd ed.), Ref. PR603 .C63 1985 (4th ed.), Ref. PR603 .C6 1991 (5th ed.) (TQ)
CWP, Contemporary Women Poets, Ref. PS151 .C67 1998 (TQ)
CWRI, St. James Guide to Children’s Writers, Ref. PN1009 .A1T9 1999, 5th ed. (TQ)
CWW, Contemporary World Writers, Ref. PN51 .C6235 1993, 2ns ed. (TQ)
DC, Drama Criticism, Ref. PN1721 .C65 v.1-v.2 (TQ), v.1-v.2 (BA)
DFS, Drama for Students, Ref. PN1601 .D595, v.1-v.5 (TQ)
DLB. Dictionary of Literary Biography, Ref. PN451 .D32, v.1-v.337 (TQ)
EWL, Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century, Ref. PN774 .L433, v.1-v.4 (TQ), Ref. PN774 .E5 1999, 3rd ed., v.1-v.4 (TQ)
EXPP, Exploring Poetry, PN1031 .R68 1973, 2nd ed. (TQ)
FW, Feminist Writers, Ref. PN451 .A8 F46 1996 (TQ)
IDTP, International Dictionary of Theatre, Ref. PN2035 .I49 1992, v.1-v.3 (TQ)
LAW, Latin American Writers, Ref. PQ7081 .A1 L37 1989, v.1-v.3 (TQ)
MAICYA, Major Authors and Illustrators for Children and Young Adults, Ref. PN451 .M37 1993, v.1-v.6 (BA)
MAL, Modern American Literature, Ref. PS221 .C8 1969, v.1-v.4 (TQ), v.1-v.4 (BA)
MBL, Modern British Literature, Ref. PR473 .T4, v.1-v.3 (TQ)
NNAL, Native North American Literature, Spec Coll Ref. PS508 .I5 N38 1994 (TQ)
RGAL, Reference Guide to American Literature, Ref. PS129 .R44 2000, 4th ed (TQ and BA)
RGEL, Reference Guide to English Literature, Ref. PR106 .S7 1991, v.1-v.3 (BA)
RGWL, Reference Guide to World Literature, Ref. PN524 .R44 1995, v.1-v.2 (BA)
SATA, Something About the Authors, Ref. PN451 .S6, v.1-v.232 (TQ and BA) – also online
TCLC, Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Ref. PN771 .G27, v.1-v.201 (TQ), v.1-v.179 (BA)
TCWW, Twentieth-Century Western Writers, Ref. PS271 .T84, 1982 and 1991 (TQ)
TEA, Twayne’s English Author Series, Call # varies (begins with PR generally) (TQ)
TUA, Twayne’s United States Authors Series, Call # varies (begins with PS generally) (TQ)
TWA, Twayne’s World Author Series, Call # varies (TQ)
WCH, Writers for Children, Ref. PN1009 .A1 W73 1988 (TQ)
WLC, World Literature Criticism, Ref. PN523 .W67 1992, v.1-v.6 (BA)
WLCS, World Literature Criticism Supplement, Ref. PN523 .W67 1992 Suppl., v.1-v.2 (BA)
WYA, Writers for Young Adults, Ref. PS490 .W75 1997, v.1-v.3 (TQ), Ref. Z1037 .A1 W74, 1st ed. (TQ)
YABC, Yesterday’s Authors of Books for Children, Ref. PN451 .Y4, v.1-v.2 (TQ)
YAW, St. James Guide to Young Adult Writers, Ref. PS490 .S7 1999, 2nd ed. (BA)

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