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English - Technical Writing: Periodicals

Periodicals: Computer Science/Programming

Listed below are selected periodical titles with information about computer science, programming, technology, fisheries, and wildlife. Search by publication title using the "Everything" tab and "Advanced Search" option. For additional periodicals, look for a "Publications" tab in many of the EBSCO databases.

  • ACM Computing Surveys - (peer-reviewed)
  • ACM Transactions on Computer Systems - (peer-reviewed and contains information in the computing research field)
  • ACM Transactions on Database Systems - (peer-reviewed and focuses on databases and database management)
  • ACM Transactions on Information Systems - (peer-reviewed and encompasses all aspects of computerized information systems)
  • ACM Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems - (peer-reviewed, publishes research, technical papers, and correspondence relevant to logic, meaning, correctness and efficiency of programming languages and computing systems)
  • Journal of the AMC - (peer-reviewed, coverage of the most significant work going on in computer science)
    History & Computing - (peer-reviewed, audience for historians using computers for research, computer applications, from quantitative methods to free text analysis & image processing)
  • Computer Languages, Systems & Structures - (peer-reviewed, coverage of advances in programming languages, systems, structures, theories: topics- syntax, parsing, compilers, complexities, computability, semantics, and automatic programming languages)
  • Computer Science Education - (peer-reviewed, presents information on educational research and covers fields of computer science & engineering, and software)
  • International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science - (peer-reviewed, publishes articles on foundations of computer science)
  • Computing - (peer-reviewed, presents latest research results from computer science and numerical computation)
  • INFORMS Journal on Computing - (peer-reviewed, publishes papers about computer science, and operations research, computational probability, design and analysis of algorithms, heuristic search and learning, high performance computation, knowledge and data management)
  • Journal of Systems & Software - (peer-reviewed, research papers, surveys, reports on programming methodology, software engineering and related hardware/software systems issues)
  • Theory of Computing Systems - (peer-reviewed, covers all areas of theoretical computer science)
  • PCWorld - (not peer-reviewed)
  • PC Magazine - (not peer-reviewed)
  • Macworld - (not peer-reviewed)
  • ComputerCraft - (not peer-reviewed)
  • Computerworld - (not peer-reviewed)
  • MacWeek - (not peer-reviewed)

Computer Graphics

Listed below are selected periodicals with information about computer graphics.

  • Computer Graphics Forum - (peer-reviewed, technical articles on computer graphics: original research, computer graphics applications, conference reports, surveys, and workshops)
  • Computers & Graphics - (peer-reviewed, focuses on the application and use of computer graphics techniques)
  • IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications - (peer-reviewed, articles and product news for users and designers of graphics hardware, software, and systems)
  • International Journal of Image & Graphics - (peer-reviewed, provides a central forum for scientists, researchers, engineers, and vendors on efficient and effective image & graphics technologies and systems)
  • Journal of Computational & Graphical Statistics - (peer-reviewed, latest techniques on improving and extending the use of cmputational and graphical methods in statistics and data analysis)
  • Visual Computer - (peer-reviewed, state-of-the-art technology in the fields of computer vision, graphics, and imaging with specific focus on applications)
  • Computer Graphics World - (not peer-reviewed)
  • Imaging Update - (not peer-reviewed)

Periodicals: Fishery and Wildlife

Listed below are selected periodical titles with information about fisheries, and wildlife. Search by publication title using the "Everything" tab and "Advanced Search" option. For additional periodicals, look for a "Publications" tab in many of the EBSCO databases.

  • Asian Fisheries Science - (peer-reviewed)
  • Marine Fisheries Review - (peer-reviewed, review articles, original research reports, significant progress reports, technical notes and news articles on fisheries science, engineering and economics, commercial and recreational fisheries, marine mammal studies and aquaculture)
  • Fisheries Oceanography - (peer-reviewed, Covers all aspects of fisheries science. Topics include the production and dynamics of fish populations to marine environment, entire food chains, and factors affecting the recruitment and abundance of fish species and all higher marine tropic levels)
  • Fish & Fisheries - (peer-reviewed, covers the broad field of the biology of fish and their exploitation and conservation at a professional level)
  • Fisheries Management - (peer-reviewed)
  • Fisheries Management & Ecology - (peer-reviewed, all aspects of the management, ecology and conservation of inland, estuarine and coastal fisheries. Topics include the maintenance, development and management of the conditions under which fish populations thrive)
  • Fisheries Research - (peer-reviewed)
  • Fisheries Science - (peer-reviewed, concerned with original and applied research articles relevant to Fisheries Science)
  • Reviews in Fish Biology & Fisheries - (peer-reviewed, covers fish and fisheries biology and includes topics such as evolutionary biology, taxonomy, stock identification, genetics, functional morphology, fisheries development, exploitation and conservation)
  • Reviews in Fisheries Sciences & Aquaculture - (peer-reviewed)
  • Fisheries - (not peer-reviewed)


  • Animal Conservation - (peer-reviewed, contains new research into the factors which influence the conservation of animal species and their habitats)
  • Conservation Biology - (peer-reviewed, Presents articles on current research, scientific thought, and management problems related to natural resource conservation and development, wildlife management and the extinction crisis)
  • Human Dimensions of Wildlife - (peer-reviewed, Focuses on the study of social considerations in fisheries and wildlife management)
  • Journal of Wildlife Management - (peer-reviewed, presents articles dealing with population dynamics, natural history, ecology, habitat use, genetics, physiology, nutrition, systematics, modeling, research techniques and reviews that develop theory)
  • Wildlife Biology - (peer-reviewed, presents information on all areas of wildlife science with the primary task of creating the scientific basis for the enhancement of conservation and management practices for wildlife species and their environments)
  • Wildlife Conservation - (peer-reviewed, subjects are about wildlife management)
  • Wildlife Monographs - (peer-reviewed, subjects are Ecology and Wildlife Management)
  • Wildlife Society Bulletin - (peer-reviewed, subjects include birds, ecology, mammals, and wildlife management)
  • Natural Wildlife (World Edition) - (not peer-reviewed, magazine)
  • International Wildlife - (not peer-reviewed, magazine)