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PSYC 3243 - Introduction To Counseling: Citing Your Sources

A Note About Plagiarism

When using the work of other people, always remember to

  • Give credit if you use their words (quotation).
  • Give credit if you use their sentiments or ideas (paraphrasing/summarizing).
  • Give credit if you use their methods, techniques, or conclusions (replication/modification of prior work).

Avoid accidental plagiarism through proper citation methods.

Check out some of these useful sites for additional information:

General Guidelines

The American Psychological Association originally created a publication manual to provide a common structure for all journal manuscripts in the area of the social sciences.

Many other disciplines (including psychology, the behavioral sciences, nursing, human resources administration and many areas within education) have adopted this as their professional writing standard as well.

In an academic environment, you will often be expected to conform to this standard when writing. At this point, you should be mostly concerned with creating an accurate reference list using proper format and providing citations within the text to give credit for an idea or concept to the source from which you got it.

Over the years, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association has undergone many revisions. The current edition is the 7th.

Your librarian can help you with questions about APA citations and formatting. You can also reach out to one of the Writing Centers to review your work and make suggestions.

Additional Citation Resources

In the links below you will find a variety of tutorials on citations as well as bibliographic management tools.  Note: neither RefWorks nor EndNote software is provided by NSU.

Broken Arrow Librarian

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Tom Rink
NSU-BA Library
3100 East New Orleans Street
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Broken Arrow, OK 74014
(918) 449-6457 (office)
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Website Skype Contact: tom.rink

JVL (Tahlequah) Librarian

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Christel Poston
Northeastern State University
711 N. Grand
Tahlequah, OK 74464
John Vaughan Library Office:213A
(918) 444-3267