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T55-55.3 Industrial safety. Industrial accident prevention
T55.4-60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering
TA165 Engineering instruments, meters, etc. Industrial instrumentation
TA190-194 Management of engineering works
TA213-215 Engineering machinery, tools, and implements
TA349-359 Mechanics of engineering. Applied mechanics
TA401-492 Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
TC183-201 General preliminary operations. Dredging. Submarine building
TD169-171.8 Environmental protection
TD1020-1066 Hazardous substances and their disposal
TE200-205 Materials for roadmaking
TE210-228.3 Construction details, including foundations, maintenance, equipment
TF501-668 Railway operation and management
TH1000-1725 Systems of building construction, including fireproof construction, concrete construction
TH9025-9745 Protection of buildings, including protection from dampness, fire, burglary
TJ163.26-163.5 Energy conservation
TJ170-179 Mechanics applied to machinery. Dynamics
TJ212-225 Control engineering systems. Automatic machinery (General)
TJ836-927 Hydraulic machinery
TJ950-1030 Pneumatic machinery
TJ1040-1119 Machinery exclusive of prime movers
TJ1125-1345 Machine shops and machine shop practice
TJ1350-1418 Hoisting and conveying machinery
TJ1425-1475 Lifting and pressing machinery
TJ1480-1496 Agricultural machinery. Farm machinery
TJ807-830 Renewable energy sources
TK452-454.4 Electric apparatus and materials. Electric circuits. Electric networks
TK1001-1841 Production of electric energy or power. Powerplants. Central stations
TK2000-2891 Dynamoelectric machinery and auxiliaries, including generators, motors, transformers
TK2896-2985 Production of electricity by direct energy conversion
TN275-325 Practical mining operations. Safety measures
TN331-347 Mine transportation, haulage and hoisting. Mining machinery
TS155-194 Production management. Operations management