A comprehensive record of the library's 1,200,000+ book, audiovisual and periodical holdings, this catalog is searchable by author, title, subject, keyword, or standard number. Location and availability are indicated for most items.
The John Vaughan Library houses several unique collections of materials. Including an Oklahoma, Native American Special Collection and Curriculum Textbooks.
Here you can search for eBooks that are accessible through the NSU Library Discovery Catalog. Some books can be read fulltext online, including over 42,000 books from Ebsco eBook Collection and other electronic books from various medical databases.
EBSCO’s extensive collection of eBook and audiobook titles on EBSCOhost allows for a comprehensive and powerful search experience—with every search, relevant eBook and audiobook titles will appear directly alongside your other EBSCO databases, exposing users to the full depth of your library’s offerings and increasing usage and visibility of your library’s entire collection.
The world's largest network of library content and services. WorldCat.org lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world.
Borrowing from Other Libraries
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