For extended research help, please click the link below to schedule an appointment with a librarian on either the Tahlequah or Broken Arrow campus.
Each NSU student can print 100 pages in our campus libraries each semester. If you wish to print more, you can add money onto your account at the Service Desk at $.10/page.
Free scanners are also available at the NSU Libraries locations.
We invite you to visit our campus libraries! The John Vaughan Library in Tahlequah is located on campus north of Seminary Hall and the Broken Arrow Library is located on the east side of campus.
Your NSU ID serves as your library borrower’s card. You MUST have your NSU ID with you in order to check out any materials. Circulating materials include books, music CDs, educational DVDs (documentaries, classic films), popular DVDs (recent movies, TV shows), and more.
Check out times for grad students:
Number of items that can be checked out at one time:
You may renew at the Check Out Desk, by phone (Tahlequah - John Vaughan Library 918-444-3235 or Broken Arrow 918-449-6459) or through your "My Library" account.
Print magazines/journals/newspapers and materials from Special Collections do not circulate.
Your My Library account includes several useful functions.
The NSU Writing Centers offer one-on-one assistance with writing projects to all NSU students. Click on the link below to make an appointment with one of the Writing Centers (in Tahlequah and Broken Arrow).