Depending on the database, it may offer a variety of ways to limit your results:
For articles that are not available in full text, use the InterLibrary Loan service.
Most databases use a controlled vocabulary to organize information and make browsing more efficient and specific to chosen terms. When building your search string, consider keywords, synonyms or related terms.
For public history information, here are some search terms:
Combine or group terms or concepts using the Boolean operator "AND" to refine your search string: oral histor* AND american or try the search string: keetoowah AND oklahoma . Check to see if the database offers a Thesaurus or a Subject Terms tab or link. For instance, the database Academic Search Premier offers a "subject terms" tab, and the Military & Government Collection database features a "subjects" tab, while ProQuest offers a "thesaurus" link. Enter terms in the Browsing box to see how the database recognizes them.
YouTube video created by NSU Libraries on how to search multiple EBSCOhost databases simultaneously.