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ECED 5713 - Advanced Study: Cognitive Development of Young Children: Health Professions Librarians

Librarians in All Disciplines

Your primary resource librarians for this course are Mx. Siewert and Ms. Whittle, who work with the College of Education. However, other librarians handle subject areas that might be of use to you as well. Some of them are linked here, but you can see the complete list of subject librarians on all campuses on the library's website.

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Tom Rink
NSU-BA Library
3100 East New Orleans Street
BALB 134
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
(918) 449-6457 (office)
(918) 449-6454 (fax)
Website Skype Contact: tom.rink

BA Librarian - Health

Profile Photo
Tom Rink
NSU-BA Library
3100 East New Orleans Street
BALB 134
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
(918) 449-6457 (office)
(918) 449-6454 (fax)
Website Skype Contact: tom.rink

JVL (Tahlequah) Librarian - Health

Profile Photo
Brandon Martin
BALB 133
3100 E. New Orleans
Broken Arrow, OK 74014

JVL (Tahlequah) Librarian - Education

Profile Photo
Christel Poston
Northeastern State University
711 N. Grand
Tahlequah, OK 74464
John Vaughan Library Office:213A
(918) 444-3267