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EDUC 5473 Equity and Inclusivity Aspects of Leadership: April 19 Assignment

(formerly Cultural Foundations and Cultural Studies)


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Christel Poston
Northeastern State University
711 N. Grand
Tahlequah, OK 74464
John Vaughan Library Office:213A
(918) 444-3267

Items for Discussion

Review the image below and consider what it tells us about representation in the children's book publishing industry.​

 An example of the lack of diversity in book publishing.

For those attending the zoom session.

  • Be prepared to have a conversation about what you think about the pros and cons of banning books, if you agree/disagree with how content in libraries should be seen as mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors, and your awareness of the lack of diversity in children’s books.
  • During our zoom session, Librarians Karl and Sarah will discuss your thoughts about these resources and how you could apply this knowledge into your classroom/organization. They will also share perspectives from formerly working in public and school libraries prior to working for the NSU Libraries.

For those NOT attending the zoom Session.

  • Write a reflection on the pros and cons of banning books, if you agree/disagree with how content in libraries should be seen as mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors, and your awareness of the lack of diversity in children’s books. Please also share how you could apply this knowledge within your classroom/organization.

Library Director

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Dr. Pamela Louderback
Northeastern State University Broken Arrow
BALB 234
3100 E New Orleans
Broken Arrow OK 74014
Phone: 918-449-6452
Skype Contact: pamela.louderback