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PSYC 4513 History & Systems of Psychology: Search Tips

NSU Libraries Resource Guide

As a student and a consumer of information, you often have a choice in the types of materials you select for a given academic or personal need. Here are a listing of types of resources, what kind of information they provide, and how/where you can access these via the NSU Libraries.

***Click the NSU Libraries Resource Guide link below the image to download this image as a Word document.

Screenshot of Resource Guide

Search Tips for Databases

  1. Be prepared with synonyms in case your original search produces no results. Use a thesaurus if the database is equipped with one.
  2. Pay attention to search tips or help screens provided by each database. Even experienced researchers (like professors and librarians!) can have trouble when dealing with a new interface. Take the time to learn how to use the tool - it will help you to avoid frustration!
  3. Remember that most databases allow for Boolean Searching (see YouTube video below). Use and to narrow, or to expand, not to exclude. Truncation is also useful for bringing back all relevant results. For example, type counsel* to bring back documents containing the words counsel, counseling, counselor....
  4. Take advantage of the following sources of help:

  5. College of Education Resource Coordinator: Sarah Burkhead Whittle. Use the information on the right sidebar to contact me with a question or to schedule a one-on-one reference session.

    Reference On Call at JVL is staffed from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Thursday and 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Friday by reference librarians or other experienced library staff members.

Before You Throw in the Towel

Have you tried...

  • using basic keywords vs. phrases?  
  • the database thesaurus for additional search terms (synonyms)?
  • quotations to search for a specific phrase?   
  • using AND, OR, and NOT (Boolean Operators) to connect more than one search term?
  • adding a * to the root of the word to truncate and search all related forms?   Example: psych* = psychology, psychological, psychologists, etc.

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Christel Poston
Northeastern State University
711 N. Grand
Tahlequah, OK 74464
John Vaughan Library Office:213A
(918) 444-3267