Most of the sample book items in this listing are located at the John Vaughan Library, Special Collections.
The following list of theses/dissertation records are located at the John Vaughan Library in Special Collections. For additional theses/dissertations not owned by NSU Libraries, search our Discovery system using the "Everything" tab or search the following databases.
Below are search terms used to pull library items using the Discovery system or database searching about the Civil War in Indian Territory, biographies, maps, the Battle of Honey Springs and more.
Videos by featured historians, Dr. Brad Agnew, Dr. Carl Farinelli, Beth Herrington, and Dr. Gary E. Moulton. For more about each of these historians, see link below.
Four videos about Principal Chief John Ross.
Three videos by featured historians about the time frame of 1856-1875 and the affects of the Civil War.
The following titles offer information about the Battle of Honey Springs.