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Wellness Resource Guide

Welcome to the NSU Wellness Resource Guide:

This Wellness Compilation at the NSU Library is designed just for you to support you in your health and wellness aspirations.

Why a wellness guide? 

We know you have dreams and aspirations! Don't let stress and/or a lack of wellness get in the way of reaching your goals. This site is created to help guide you towards some resources, tools, and tips that may help you reach your best version of yourself. Be your own best friend and take care of yourself!

The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health. 

According to Merriam-Webster the definition of wellness is the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal. 

To understand wellness more, it may help to consider the synonyms and antonyms: 

Synonyms with Wellness

health, healthiness, fitness, soundness, wholeness, wholesomeness

Antonyms with Wellness

illness, sickness, unhealthiness, unsoundness

 Wellness Wheel


This is just a small collection of resources to help support your health and wellness endeavors. 



Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual wellness is about engaging your mind. The brain has neuroplasticity, meaning it can change and grow. This is good news for many who want to learn a new skill or hobby. Don't be afraid to try something new and exercise that brain!  Some of these suggestions to promote wellness will impact multiple dimensions such as creativity, which can improve both intellectual and emotional wellness. 

How to promote intellectual wellness:

Try something creative!

Engage in intellectual conversations

Take part in cultural activities

Read from a variety of genres. 

Participate in a book club.

Listen to the perspectives of others, share your knowledge, and never stop learning!

See the Resources for Wellness tab for more ideas.

Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness is about understanding and taking control of our emotions. Realizing we are all part of the human experience and acknowledging our thoughts and feelings is an important step in emotional wellness. Learning how to have metacognitive conversations and reframing thoughts into more positive or learning statements can improve emotional wellness. And remember, we all need a little help sometimes. Don't be afraid to reach out to a friend, loved one, or mental health professional if you are experiencing mental health problems.

How to promote emotional wellness:

Keep a journal. 

Share your thoughts and feelings with someone you trust.

Try meditation.

Go for a walk outside.

Listen to music.

Reduce stress by being proactive and reduce procrastination.

See the Resources for Wellness tab for more ideas.

Occupational Wellness

How do you know when you have occupational wellness? You feel satisfied with the work you do. You feel the work is meaningful and uses your talents and skills. You don't dread going to work everyday, and you've found a way to manage work/life balance. When we are more balanced, we feel less stress and we have greater capacity to enjoy life.

How to promote occupational wellness:

Establish healthy work-life balance.

Engage in developmental opportunities.

Be willing to continuously learn and share your knowledge with others.

Become a mentor or a mentee.

Find webinars or free training opportunities online.

Take initiative to present business solutions.

See the Resources for Wellness tab for more ideas.

Environmental Wellness

Environmental wellness means any environment you surround yourself in. Do we mean the actual "earth" as in saving the environment? Yes! Do we mean the physical environment around you as in where you live, work, hang out, or study? Yes, that too! How about the people you surround yourself with, we said that was social right? Yes, but it's also a factor in your environmental wellness too. Anything that surrounds you makes up your environment and can impact your wellness.

How to promote environmental wellness:

Keep your spaces organized including work, home, and car.

Reduce, reuse, and recycle when possible.

Evaluate the health of your relationships.

Spend time with people who bring out the best in you. 

See the Resources for Wellness tab for more ideas.

Financial Wellness

Financial wellness involves being strategic with your money by creating and maintaining a budget. Start by listing fixed vs flexible financial commitments. Next, identify your goals. What are your short term, intermediate, and long term goals? Having a plan can help you reach those goals. Remember in addition to your goals and your map or plan, you'll also need willpower to avoid impulse buying that may interfere with the ability to reach those goals! You can do it though!

How to promote financial wellness:

Set goals - short term, intermediate, and long term.

Identify fixed and flexible expenses.

Create a budget.

Start saving - any amount is a great start!

Be a wise consumer.

Avoid impulse buying.

Continue to increase savings with each pay increase you receive.

See the Resources for Wellness tab for more ideas.

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness is about living our lives in peace and harmony. Spiritual wellness may look different for each of us. For some, it takes the form of an organized religion. For others, it may be living a more peaceful life. Finding meaning in life can help us feel purpose in our days. 

How to promote spiritual wellness:

Create opportunities to relax.

Practice mindfulness.

Try meditation and/or prayer.

Go outside, breath fresh air, enjoy nature.

Join a spiritual organization or church.

See the Resources for Wellness tab for more ideas.

Physical Wellness

Being well physically involves many factors such as proper nutrition, sleep, physical activity, and proper medical treatment. The goal is a healthy quality of life, preventing or minimalizing our physical ailments when possible, and taking complete holistic care of ourselves, mind, body, and soul while reducing undue stress and fatigue when possible.

How to promote physical wellness:

Get regular checkups for preventive care

Make goals to move more. Try a walking or step challenge.

Examine your eating habits and try to increase fresh fruit and vegetable intake.

See the Resources for Wellness tab for more ideas.

Social Wellness

Think about who you interact with on a daily basis. What is the quality of those relationships? Are the people you surround yourself with helping you grow to reach the best version of yourself? Social wellness is about creating and maintaining meaningful and healthy relationships with others. Making time to spend with friends or family can enrich your life.

How to promote social wellness:

Meet up with an old friend or family member to catch up.

Join a group or club on or off campus.

Check out events at your local library or continuing education.

Start your own game night or book club.

Find volunteer opportunities to connect with others while helping a greater cause.

See the Resources for Wellness tab for more ideas.