Check the databases below. Email your librarian at for help and tips.
[Restricted] Produced by the Cochrane Collaboration, a highly respected international research group that promotes evidence-based practice in all medical specialties
The most comprehensive database for consumer-oriented health content, Consumer Health Complete is designed to help users gain an overall understanding of key topics across the health and wellness spectrum — from mainstream medicine to complementary, holistic and integrated medicine.
The Native Health Database contains bibliographic information and abstracts of health-related articles, reports, surveys, and other resource documents pertaining to the health and health care of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Nations. The database provides information for the benefit, use, and education of organizations and individuals with an interest in health-related issues, programs, and initiatives regarding North American indigenous peoples.
Difficulty accessing a journal? Be sure to sign in with your NSU credentials. For additional assistance, contact your librarian at or 918-444-3263.
This excellent series produced by the Welch Medical Library at Johns Hopkins University of Medicine delivers comprehensive information about performing high-quality database searches. Although the series highlights the PubMed database, the information provided is applicable to most professional databases. Total series time: approximately 55 minutes.