This page will show you the steps to find a country insight profiles in the Mergent Online database. The following example illustrates a search for profiles about the African country of Angola.
After Mergent Online opens, select the tab at the top of the page marked "Country insight:"
Upon clicking on the "Country insight" tab, the following search forms appear:
"Search by Date Range": This form allows you to limit your search to a range of specific dates.
"Search by Document Type:" Check the boxes to limit your search to DnB (Dun & Bradstreet) Country Risk Profiles only, to Mergent Country Profiles only, or both.
"Region-Country:" The default organization of the list is by region/continent. Click on the small plus sign next to a specific folder to expand the list of countries. Click the appropriate checkboxes to select the desired countries/regions.
When you are finished filling out the search forms, click "Search" on the right-hand side of the screen.
Here is a sample search for the country of Angola:
"Search by Date Range" is set to search between January 1, 2010 and January 1, 2020 and is entered in numerical month-day-year format.
"Search by Document Type:" The box next to DnB Country Risk Profile is checked.
"Region-Country:" The Africa folder is expanded and the box next to Angola is checked.
After clicking "Search," the following results list appears:
This search retrieved 7 results.
Click on the document name's hyperlink to open the desired report (in PDF format).
Country Insight Profiles contain information regarding economic outlook, risks, opportunities, statistics, and much more!