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Country Insight Profiles in Mergent Online

This page will show you the steps to find a country insight profiles in the Mergent Online database. The following example illustrates a search for profiles about the African country of Angola.
After Mergent Online opens, select the tab at the top of the page marked "Country insight:" 

Screencap of Mergent Online Homepage with "Country Insight" tab circled

Upon clicking on the "Country insight" tab, the following search forms appear:
  • "Search by Date Range": This form allows you to limit your search to a range of specific dates.
  • "Search by Document Type:" Check the boxes to limit your search to DnB (Dun & Bradstreet) Country Risk Profiles only, to Mergent Country Profiles only, or both.
  • "Region-Country:" The default organization of the list is by region/continent. Click on the small plus sign next to a specific folder to expand the list of countries. Click the appropriate checkboxes to select the desired countries/regions.

Screencap of search forms on Country insight tab

When you are finished filling out the search forms, click "Search" on the right-hand side of the screen.
Here is a sample search for the country of Angola:
  • "Search by Date Range" is set to search between January 1, 2010 and January 1, 2020 and is entered in numerical month-day-year format.
  • "Search by Document Type:" The box next to DnB Country Risk Profile is checked.
  • "Region-Country:" The Africa folder is expanded and the box next to Angola is checked.

Screencap of the Country insight search form with fields filled for Angola search

After clicking "Search," the following results list appears:
  • This search retrieved 7 results.
  • Click on the document name's hyperlink to open the desired report (in PDF format).

Screencap of results list for Angola search

Country Insight Profiles contain information regarding economic outlook, risks, opportunities, statistics, and much more!

DnB Country Insight Report for Angola, 2019, pg. 1

DnB Country Insight Report for Angola, 2019, pg. 2