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Library Committees

Assessment Committee:
Chair: Vacant

  • Vacant
  • Maria Souliotis
  • Sarah Whittle
  • BA Librarian TBD

Audiovisual Productions Standards Committee
Chair: Brandon Martin

  • Jennifer Campbell
  • Boniblu Choate
  • Dalton Martin
  • Sarah Mason
  • Sarah Whittle

Digital Collections Committee:
Chair: Blain McLain

  • Dr. Pamela Louderback
  • Vacant
  • Darren Tobey

Disaster Planning/Emergency Recovery Committee:
Chair: Vacant

  • Porsche Amonette
  • Catherine Courteau
  • Donna Graham
  • Dr. Pamela Louderback
  • Blain McLain

Earth Day Committee:
Chair: Vacant

  • Porsche Amonette
  • Jannette DeMary
  • Aaliyah Garcia (honorary member)
  • Dr. Pamela Louderback
  • Maria Souliotis
  • Matt Wagner

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee:
Chair: Maria Souliotis

  • Jannette DeMary
  • Donna Graham
  • Vacant
  • Sarah Woolard

Library Leadership Team:
Chair: Dr. Pamela Louderback

  • Vacant
  • Catherine Courteau
  • Brandon Martin, ex officio (Webmaster)
  • Dalton Martin
  • Darren Tobey
  • Sarah Whittle

Web Committee:
Chair: Brandon Martin

  • Boniblu Choate
  • Cathy Courteau
  • Aaliyah Garcia
  • Dalton Martin
  • Tom Rink
  • Darren Tobey

WMS Committee:
Chair: Darren Tobey

  • Catherine Courteau
  • Dr. Pamela Louderback
  • Brandon Martin
  • Dalton Martin
  • Sarah Whittle

Assessment Committee

Chair: First Year Experience/Assessment Librarian

  • Create, evaluate, and revise (as needed) IL assessment plans for University Strategies and select upper division courses.
  • Collect, analyze, and report assessment data on student learning outcomes in IL sessions.
  • Collaborate with Library Faculty to modify instruction for improvement in SLO achievement when needed.
  • Provide assessment data to Executive Director and Department Head of RIS.

Audiovisual Productions Standards Committee

Chair: Appointed by Library Director

  • Create and annually review standards for audiovisual publishing to the NSU Libraries website and/or digital social media platforms
  • Review and select approved software for the creation of audiovisual materials based on ongoing review of software availability and industry standards
  • Review and select training materials for the use of approved software
  • Maintain ongoing relationships with audiovisual creators at NSU Libraries and other invested committees and departments
  • Review all incoming submissions for quality and compliance with established publishing standards
  • Maintain meeting minutes

Digital Collections Committee

  • Elect a committee chair to serve for a 2-year term
  • Establish a single repository to house digital materials collected by the Library and University
  • Maintain and update the repository on a continuous basis
  • Establish and continuously update policies for the repository, pending approval by the Library Leadership Team  
  • Market and promote the repository to the NSU community
  • Encourage NSU faculty to add their publications and Open Educational Resources
  • Maintain meeting minutes

Disaster Planning/Emergency Recovery:

  • Elect a committee chair to serve for a 2-year term
  • Update the libraries’ disaster preparedness plan
  • Collaborate with the Campus Safety Office in developing and maintaining the plan
  • Plan and arrange for new round of CPR certification for participating faculty/staff members
  • Monitor and report any safety hazards in the libraries with regard to building integrity, stairways and means of egress, arrangement of furnishings, tripping hazards, etc.
  • Maintain meeting minutes

Earth Day & Sustainability Committee:

  • Elect a committee chair to serve for a 2-year term
  • Plan NSU Libraries Earth Day participation in conjunction with all campuses
  • Maintain meeting minutes

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee:

  • Elect a committee chair to serve for a 2-year term
  • Collaborate to advance a more inclusive and equitable library environment
  • Initiate events, projects, and initiatives that advance DEI
  • Improve accountability and effectiveness through DEI-related planning and assessment
  • Form collaborative partnerships with other Library committees and other DEI-related organizations across the university and community
  • Maintain meeting minutes

Library Leadership Team:

  • Comprised of NSU Libraries’ Department Heads, BA Library Director, and Executive Director of Libraries.
  • In consultation with the Executive Director of Libraries:
    • Discusses and approves policies and policy revisions
    • Discusses and approves special project proposals
    • Provides departmental progress and operations reports
    • Plans projects and appoints special project teams
    • Discusses special budget expenditures and planning as determined by Executive Director
    • Reviews and approves all suggested library events and programming
    • Provides feedback from departmental faculty and staff
    • Provides information on LLT decisions to departmental faculty and staff
    • Minutes maintained by NSU Libraries’ Administrative Assistant

Web Committee:

Chair: Brandon Martin

  • Maintain the content of the website
    • Audit and review pages on a regular basis to determine what improvements should be made
    • Keep informed about website design and accessibility standards and new capabilities of platforms including LibGuides CMS, LibCal, and IvyBot
    • Inform page maintainers of changes and improvements
  • Act as a resource for page maintainers wishing to modify or update content
  • Promote a sense of responsibility for the website to all library faculty and staff who are page maintainers
  • Provide periodic progress reports to the Executive Director and Library Leadership Team
  • Request support as needed from the Executive Director and Department Heads
  • The chair of the Web Committee (also referred to as the "Webmaster") has the sole discretion to deny content for inclusion on the NSU Libraries website on grounds of accessibility, professionalism, accuracy, or otherwise deemed inappropriate for display on behalf of the university.

WMS Committee:

Chair: Darren Tobey

  • Review and maintain configurations, developments, interfaces, and processes related to WMS functioning
  • Make recommendations to the Library Leadership Team
  • Maintain relationships with and make recommendations to OCLC
  • Maintain meeting minutes

*Note on Committee Charges: In consultation with the Executive Director, committees will revisit their charges every two years, updating and revising as needed to respond to changing needs and circumstances.